Night Sky
Gaspar and Brad got up at 4am to make one last climb before their summit attempt two days later. Instead, I got up just as they left and went out to see the night sky. It is one of the…

Goodbye, Cayambe
On the way down I decide I’m going to punt on the summit. This is hard to write. It was a hard decision to make. I’ve never not made a summit goal and I’ve certainly never decided not to try.…

Glaciers Day 2
A long night of no sleep and 100 trips to pee. The worst part of high altitude nights. No point in taking an Ambien as I would have to keep waking up anyway. More than you wanted to know. Morning…
Ole! Our favorite hot sauce. Gaspar’s favorite hot sauce. Actually the only hot sauce we used because it was Gaspar’s favorite and he bought it. Can’t find it in Virginia yet.
View From the Glacier

Glaciers Day 1
We had breakfast at Pablo’s, loaded the car and drove back up the hut on Cayambe. This time Gaspar didn’t make us walk the last hour. ;7) After choosing beds, depositing our gear, and making lunches to go, we had…
Face to Face With the Glacier

Cayambe Hut
Gaspar dropped Brad and me off an hour’s hike below the hut. He’d have lunch ready when we arrived. The hut is on the edge of a high canyon and about 1000 ft below the start of the glacier. …

Morning in Cayambe
We left Hacienda Pinsaqui around 9 for Pablo’s place. Pablo is a friend of Ossy’s who has a large house in the town of Cayambe. We’ll be staying there in between excursions up the mountain to the hut. We stopped…