We headed for Lake Cuicocha which was less than an hour away. Got to the entrance and had to fill out papers including our occupation and passport number. This was a park. Didn’t have my passport with me and Gaspar…

We headed for Lake Cuicocha which was less than an hour away. Got to the entrance and had to fill out papers including our occupation and passport number. This was a park. Didn’t have my passport with me and Gaspar…
Just chillin’, waiting for Gaspar and Brad. Can’t remember the last time I did this. These old school hammocks are much more comfortable than the twisted rope beachy ones everyone seems to sell on the East Coast.
Wish I knew what they’re all called. (The purple ones are orchids.) And I wish it had made sense to bring my DSLR
We drove to Hacienda Pincsaqui. Another beautiful room there, this time with a fireplace in a small upstairs loft. We dropped our things in the room and agreed a departure time for an acclimatization hike near Lake Cuicocha.
Slept well. Better than I expected after a tough hike. (thanks Ambien.) Another great breakfast. O2 saturation was over 90. Gaspar arrived. We loaded the SUV and drove to Otavalo where there’s probably the best known street market in this…
That evening back at Hacienda Rumiloma I started doubting the whole trip. I know what it’s like to be at high altitude for a couple of weeks and there’s a lot of misery along the way. The same feelings at…
Can’t tell if he’s shaking hands or getting ready for a fight.
Monty Python? Me too. Lupins (chocho) have lots of uses here including in ceviche instead of fish. They use the seeds but only after extended soaking, boiling and rising otherwise they’re toxic. It’s now being considered a super food with…
I loved this view of the pony rides against the backdrop of Quito and the mountains.
There were some fun scrambles on the way up and our pace got slower. The mist had moved in by the time we got to the top. It reminded me of Mount Doom and I was on the lookout for…